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BIOFACTORIES: An opportunity for bioeconomic development

BIOFACTORIES: An opportunity for bioeconomic development

Description: The postal sector continues to present significant gaps in the adoption and use of technologies that limit its potential as a driver of the digital transformation of the economy. A significant proportion of SMEs in the Colombian postal and logistics sector are at a basic level of adoption of digital technologies; that is, they do not have technologies, or they have incipient proprietary technologies, but they consider that advanced digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud computing, process integration systems and Big Data and analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), among others, could provide them with the means to improve their competitiveness in the sector – specifically given the potential of these advanced technologies in critical areas such as process automation, tracking and tracing of packages and shipments, integration with e-commerce platforms and improved logistics management.

Benefits: Design of a strategy for the use of available data and information on biodiversity, bioprospecting and biotechnology (3BIO) to strengthen STI, the design of initiatives and decision-making within the framework of the bioeconomy in Colombia, with the application of scientometric techniques. Governance model of the bioeconomic model, intellectual property and future sustainability for the implementation of biofactories. Leverage of the development of biotechnology-based products.

In progress
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