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Effects of an anti-inflammatory diet (NeuroGutPlus)

Effects of an anti-inflammatory diet (NeuroGutPlus)

Description: Transcriptional profiling of blood provides an unbiased method for immune monitoring and has proven invaluable in uncovering new disease mechanisms. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq) examines the transcriptomic profile of individual cells with next-generation sequencing technologies and thus provides a better understanding of the function of an individual cell in the context of its microenvironment. The project seeks to address new perspectives for the development of diagnostic, prognostic and prevention strategies for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), addressing different spheres of development, as well as the identification of new molecular targets for preventive and therapeutic interventions based on better rehabilitation and adaptation processes for children to the environment from nutrigenomics. It is also worth recognizing the benefit that it will have for health and education institutions in the coffee belt, since real information obtained from a research study will allow decision-making, and in the medium and long term, the determination of public policies in relation to intervention processes in children with ASD.

Benefits: Information for the generation of intervention programs and social development projects in children with ASD, which impact the areas of motor, communicative, cognitive and socio-affective development, at the local, regional and national (Colombia) levels based on an anti-inflammatory diet.

In progress
Knowledge area
Data Science