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Our capacity

nuestra capacidad

With Colombia's entry into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the country committed to ensuring and guaranteeing socioeconomic benefits for the population from scientific and technological advances, as a fundamental strategy to achieve sustainable development. This implies promoting and strengthening open science and the computational capacity that facilitates storing, processing, analyzing and interpreting data to create new knowledge. In this, the country has established guidelines for data exploitation through CONPES 3920 National Data Exploitation Policy (Big Data), which arises in the face of the imminent wave of data being produced. Within the framework of this CONPES, the Government recognizes the supercomputing capabilities of BIOS, which were installed seeking to leverage projects that drive the country's progress.

BIOS is the only Center of its kind in the country that has supercomputing infrastructure provided by the National Government (represented by Mintic and Miciencias) in alliance with universities in the country and technological allies such as Microsoft and Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

This technological capacity has allowed BIOS to deploy research and innovation projects focused on advanced data analytics covering three dimensions: economic, social and environmental, applied in companies and organizations aligned with the fourth industrial revolution. For this, emerging technologies are used such as: Bigdata, Data Science, Blockchain, Machine Learning, AI, IoT, which allow value to be extracted from data in 3 approaches:

Descriptive: How the data behaves.

Predictive: How the data will behave according to history.

Prescriptive: How can I influence the behavior of the data? Prescriptive analytics determine the ways in which business processes should evolve or be modified.

Display wall

muro de visualización

The scientific information visualization wall is one of the most advanced scientific research tools in Latin America. It consists of 32 full HD screens that together provide a resolution of 66.3 megapixels and can also be controlled in 3 different ways.

Through a Tablet or Smartphone

Through Kinnect type devices

Through an Emotiv EEG interface

This project was made possible thanks to the management of resources from the Caldas Bio-region royalties project, executed by the Government of Caldas, of which BIOS is the operator. The Center's research team is currently working on man-machine interface applications, gene analysis through the use of pipelines and flowcharts, in addition to the analysis of diagnostic medical images and Molecular Docking processes; notwithstanding the above, the uses of the visualization wall are of a broad spectrum and fields of action. It has two modes of operation:

Through a video server for collaborative work that allows different image sources to be distributed throughout the display area.

Direct connection to graphic processing nodes that will allow highly complex processing and display in real time (in the process of implementation).

Biotechnology tools

herramientas biotecnológicas


BIOS has implemented a version of the popular genome sequence viewer Jbrowse within its server, so that users can view their annotation results dynamically on a web page.


Today, large amounts of data are generated through new sequencing technologies and experiments that include gene and protein analysis. However, much of this data remains uncharacterized, even though the correct annotation of enzymatic functions is critical for the reconstruction of metabolic networks. ZYFCON (enZYme Function prediction COmbining Networks) is a tool designed to predict enzymatic functions in sets of coding genes, from whole genome sequence data.

Project repo