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The origin of a dream called BIOS


We transform life with science and technology

At BIOS Technology Development Center, we focus on generating value for the companies and entities that make up our ecosystem, through the effective incorporation of advanced technologies and the creation of technology-based products and services.


In the coming years

BIOS will be recognized as the center of the technology sector in the coffee region and as an essential ally in the generation and development of technological projects, services and products in the region.





In 2007, Bill Gates visited Colombia. At the end of his visit, it became clear that it was necessary to take advantage of Colombia's megadiversity through a high-level research center in the country that would develop and take advantage of its great potential in the fields of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. This idea aimed to achieve the national government's goals in innovation and economic development, so its creation began in 2008, thanks to a cooperation agreement between Colciencias and MinTic.

Manizales, in the center of the Coffee Region, was chosen as the place to execute the project, since within a radius of 200 km from the city, there is a great variety of ecosystems, thermal floors and nearly 55,000 different species represented in one of the most diverse examples of flora and fauna in the country. In this region of Colombia there is one of the highest densities of high-quality university centers, within their study programs there are careers related to life sciences and computer science, an important input for BIOS.

Thanks to the collaboration of the Mayor's Office of Manizales, BIOS currently operates in the Ecopark of the Tropical Rainforest, Los Yarumos, having since 2013 one of the fastest supercomputers in Latin America.

BIOS uses data to transform the processes of any company, this is how, in addition to Biotechnology and Supercomputing, it created the areas of Data Science and Cybersecurity, a commitment to take advantage of the value of information to apply it for the benefit of institutions and protect it as a highly valuable asset.

BIOS continues to work on projects with strategic allies that respond to needs in terms of: innovation of food products, cosmetics and health, increased agricultural productivity, pest and disease control, better or new services for citizens, quality control with artificial intelligence, environmental safety, among others.


  • Paula Arias
    Directora Ejecutiva
  • Jorge Jaramillo
    Director Científico
  • Carolina Ramírez
    Coordinadora de BIOS Services
  • Alejandro Loaiza Arévalo
    Coordinador de Ciberseguridad
  • Juan Carlos Albornoz
    Coordinador de Ciencia de Datos
  • Narmer Galeano
    Coordinador de biotecnología
  • Mauricio Márquez Buitrago
    Coordinador de Relaciones Jurídicas
  • Magda Arias
    Auditora interna
  • Carolina Gañán Luque
    Líder BIOS Academy
  • Marcela Orjuela Rodríguez
    Líder Técnico Biotecnología
  • Clara Sofía Obando Alzate
    Investigadora área de Biotecnología
  • Mariana Sofía Candamil Cortés
    Investigadora área de Biotecnología
  • Sandra Yolanda Valencia Castillo
    Pasante posdoctoral área de Biotecnología
  • Jonathan Ospina
    Analista y desarrollador de Ciencia de Datos
  • Donald J. Herrera Vargas
    Gestor HPC
  • Valentina Mejía Ríos
    Profesional Gestión Técnica TI
  • Sebastián Ortiz Arias
    Coordinador de Contabilidad
  • Mónica Flor Sánchez
    Profesional de seguimiento y control de proyectos
  • Linna Paola Duque Fonseca
    Gestora de Políticas Públicas
  • Leonardo Posada
    Apoyo de Compras
  • Laura Marcela Pinilla Naranjo
    Profesional Gestion Documental administrativa y contables
  • Jarol Mauricio Vargas
    Profesional del área financiera
  • Diego Armando Vásquez Murillo
    Profesional de apoyo
  • Santiago Urrea Yela
    Profesional de apoyo